.  Hey fabulous readers!

Welcome to the ultimate adventure park – your very own Emotional Jungle Gym! I’m your trusty trauma therapist, here to guide you through the twists, turns, and occasional monkey bars of childhood emotional trauma. Today, we’re flipping the script and making healing as fun as a game of hopscotch. So, lace up those metaphorical sneakers, and let’s dive into the playground of emotional growth!

1. The Swing Set of Self-Discovery

Imagine your emotions as swings – some high, some low. Take a seat on the Swing Set of Self-Discovery and let yourself soar. It’s okay if your emotional legs don’t reach the ground just yet; we’re all working on our swing technique.

2. Monkey Bars of Mindfulness

Navigating childhood trauma can be like crossing the Monkey Bars of Mindfulness. It requires focus, balance, and the occasional acrobatic feat. If you fall, no worries – just dust off your hands and try again. And hey, falling builds character, right?

3. The Tunnel Slide of Transformation

Ever slid down a tunnel slide and felt the rush of excitement? Welcome to the Tunnel Slide of Transformation! Embrace the exhilarating ride of growth and change. Don’t forget to yell “Whee!” on your way down – it’s scientifically proven to boost mood.

4. Teeter-Totter of Emotional Balance

Finding balance after childhood trauma is like riding a teeter-totter. It may take a bit of trial and error to find the right partner (hello, self-care!), but once you do, the ups and downs become a harmonious dance.

5. Whimsical Seesaw of Self-Compassion

Hop on the seesaw of self-compassion and bounce back from those tough moments. Remember, it’s a two-way street – treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a friend. And if the seesaw squeaks a little, well, that just adds character.

6. Hopscotch Through Healing

Healing from childhood trauma is a lot like hopscotch – one step at a time, with a bit of hopping and balancing thrown in. Create a healing hopscotch course with self-love, boundaries, and laughter as your guide. Bonus points for creativity!

7. Laughter Merry-Go-Round

Ever tried not to laugh on a merry-go-round? It’s impossible! Embrace the Laughter Merry-Go-Round of Healing. Share a joke, find humor in the everyday, and let laughter be the medicine that makes your heart go ’round and ’round.

8. Emotional Hide and Seek

Childhood trauma can sometimes make emotions feel like elusive players in a game of hide and seek. Peek behind the emotional curtains, uncover the hidden feelings, and celebrate each discovery as a victory.

9. Balloon Animal Breathing Exercises

Inflate your emotional resilience with balloon animal breathing exercises. Picture your worries as balloons, then take a deep breath and watch them float away. Who knew healing could be as fun as a balloon animal at a carnival?

10. Candy-Trail of Self-Love

As you navigate the Emotional Jungle Gym, leave a candy trail of self-love behind. Treat yourself to moments of joy, savor the victories, and relish in the sweetness of your progress.

Remember, healing is an adventure, not a destination. So, swing high, balance bravely, and embrace the playful journey of transforming your emotional jungle gym into a place of empowerment and joy.

Sending you laughter, love, and an abundance of playground positivity,


and don’t forget to follow us to learn more about trauma
